Monday, August 04, 2008

Fire and water, a dogblog

We headed up to northern NM this weekend to enjoy the mountains a bit. While there, Booker the Chessie reacquainted himself with the campfire, first by sticking his nose in it and singing off most of his whiskers:

notice the curlicues on the right side of his muzzle. A closeup:

Got the eyebrows, too:

He spent most of the evening chasing sparks out of the fire. If he caught any, they didn't cause any apparent burns. The cat cites this sort of behavior as proof positive of superior feline intelligence.

Apart from fun with fire, we managed to find a little creek or two:

flowing well from the rains, which have also rendered the mountains verdant and a bit buggy. Wild mint, myriad wildflowers, mushrooms, a hen grouse with two half-grown chicks (discovered via a nice flush by Booker, who didn't try to run them into the next county), a cow elk, long coyote choruses, rain, hail, and other fun things. More photos, I hope, at a later date.


Andrew Campbell said...

Boooker... geeezum... there was me nervous about our boys chasing fireflies. He does look at home in the water, though! Congratulations on a grouse or two of your own.


mdmnm said...

Yeah, I figured if he got too close at some point he'd get singed a bit and learn that fire is pretty to look at but not to hold. Apparently, "too close" is a lot more close than I expected.