Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Y'all might be a little tired of all this, but I've been enjoying something of a different fall since by virtue of observing a slightly different perspective:

1) wood cutting is ok, particularly with a break to check out a ridgetop or two for grouse:

2) you should take joy in the process of building a duck blind!

3) after you give your Chessie pills in peanut butter for a couple of weeks, you don't really need a timer to tell you when the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies you're baking for the upcoming elk season are done- the crying from the kitchen as the smell grows more intense is a pretty good hint.


Henry Chappell said...

Tired of dog blogs? Never! Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love Chesapeakes! I've always had my eye on them in case we ever get serious enough about hunting to want a gun dog.

What's his or her name? :)

mdmnm said...

Good thing! Dogblogs will probably end up being my default post.

He is Booker, a rescue Chessie from East Texas that I got together with a couple of months ago. I'm still learning about Chessies and we're still adjusting to each other.